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The school is conveniently located with easy access to JR. Oji station. Approximately 31 minutes from JR Osaka station by rapid train. Approx. 17 minutes from JR Tennoji station.

Access Map

We provide a train search system from your local station to Nishiyamato Gakuen.

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Transportation Guide and Commuting Time from Your Local Station to Nishiyamato Gakuen

This train arrives in time to the first class starting at 8:55.



Nearest station Oji Station on JR Yamatoji line
Oji Station on Kintetsu Ikoma line
Shin-Oji station on Kintetsu Tawaramoto line

Owada station on Kintetsu Tawaramoto line

Goido station on Kintetsu Osaka line

by walk approx. 20 minutes approx. 8 minutes

Nara Kotsu Buslines

Bus stop number

Bus stop #2 in South bus terminal Either bus is fine.

Time Table of Nara Kotsu Bus Lines at Oji Station

Take a bus bound for Oji station from bus stop #2 from North exit bus terminal

Time Table of Nara Kotsu Bus Lines at Goido Station

Bus stop 4th stop Right nearby “Seiwa-dai 1-chome 15th stop Right nearby “Seiwa-dai 1-chome
Approx.time required Approx. 6 minutes Approx. 20 minutes
Single fare 190 JPY 430 JPY
We inspire new global leaders who demonstrate an ability to develop new ideas by learning from the past through school life in the ancient capital of Japan.

In 2010, Nara celebrates the 1,300th anniversary of the establishment of Japan's old capital, Nara Heijo-kyo.
Nara possesses many national treasures and important cultural assets, including three UNESCO world heritages sites, "Historic monuments of Ancient Nara", "Buddhist monuments in the Horyu-ji Area" and "Sacred sites and pilgrimage routes in the Kii Mountain range".
Students in Nishiyamato Gakuen study in the ideal environment, surrounded by greenery and historical places. This beautiful area has produced much of the unique history and culture of Japan. Based on the spirit of "Onko-chishin", which means to develop new ideas for the future by learning from the past, Nishiyamato Gakuen aims to educate capable global citizens who can exhibit leadership on the world stage. An inspired leadership, that transcends both borders and generations.

Composition Percentage of Current Students Divided into their Hometown Areas

Composition percentage of current students divided into their hometown areas